Melisa Gun: A Journey from Model to Pageant Mogul


Talks Career, Pageants, and Future Endeavors

Fresh off being named Forbes’ “CEO of the Year 2024,” renowned American artist Melisa Gun, alongside the MS World International pageant owner, is set to host the most prominent beauty pageant Las Vegas has ever seen. This event, held at the iconic Caesar’s Palace, promises to redefine the landscape of beauty contests in the United States.

Melisa Gun’s journey to stardom has been nothing short of spectacular. She has risen to fame through her work with top-tier fashion brands, gracing the covers of prestigious magazines such as Lofficiel, Harper’s Bazaar, GRAZIA, and VOICE. Her face is familiar on Manhattan’s Times Square billboards, a testament to her prominence in the modeling world. Over the past two years, her collaboration with global fashion houses and elite designers has solidified her status as one of New York’s most successful models.

In addition to her modeling achievements, Melisa Gun is also a trendy artist. For many years, she has been painting unique masterpieces and selling them in the most famous galleries in Qatar, New York, and Miami, and she is now preparing an exhibition in London. Despite being a doctor by training, Melisa has loved drawing since childhood. Her interviews have been published in top publications like VOGUE, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Lofficiel, and others.

In an exclusive interview, Melisa shares insights into her career, the motivation behind her latest venture, and her future business aspirations.

Congratulations on being named Forbes’ “Model of the Year 2024”! Could you tell us more about your journey and career highlights?

Thank you! It’s an incredible honor. My journey in modeling has been enriching. I’ve had the privilege to work with some of the most talented designers and be featured in top fashion magazines. Some of the highlights are wearing the covers of Lofficiel, Harper’s Bazaar, and GRAZIA and seeing my photos in Times Square. It’s been a whirlwind, but I’ve enjoyed every moment.

You’ve participated in numerous beauty contests worldwide. What inspired you to create your competition?

After participating in various beauty pageants globally, I realized there was room for improvement. I understand what contestants expect and what makes a pageant exceptional. With this insight, I created a pageant that meets and exceeds these expectations. We aim to establish the top pageant in America, recognized worldwide for its excellence and the opportunities it offers contestants.

The upcoming pageant in Las Vegas sounds extraordinary. Can you share more details about what contestants and audiences can expect?

Absolutely! We’re planning an incredible show at Caesar’s Palace, with over $2 million already invested. This event will feature collaborations with America’s top designers, extensive media coverage, and unparalleled exposure for the contestants, including a month-long display of their photos on billboards nationwide, including Times Square. The crown itself is a masterpiece, custom-made with diamonds and gold. We want to ensure every detail is perfect, creating an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

This pageant is your first project of this magnitude. What challenges have you faced, and how are you overcoming them?

Organizing an event of this scale comes with challenges, from logistics to ensuring we meet high standards. However, with a dedicated team and my experience in the industry, we’re tackling each challenge head-on. We’re meticulous about every detail to ensure the success of the event. The excitement and anticipation from everyone involved keep us motivated.

Beyond modeling and pageantry, do you have other business ventures or projects you’re passionate about?

I’m working on a book sharing my modeling experiences and insights on achieving success. I’m also exploring various business ideas that align with my passion for fashion and beauty. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements shortly!

What legacy do you hope to leave in the world of beauty and fashion?

I hope to inspire young women to pursue their dreams with confidence and determination. By creating platforms like this pageant, I want to offer opportunities that empower them to showcase their talents and make their mark in the world. My ultimate goal is to contribute to a more inclusive and dynamic industry that celebrates diversity and creativity.

Melisa Gun’s vision for the upcoming pageant is a testament to her dedication and passion for the industry. As the event approaches, the anticipation builds, promising a spectacular showcase that will make the whole planet talk.

Forbes Staff

Forbes Staff is an official member of the esteemed Forbes team, dedicated to delivering high-quality content and insightful journalism. With a deep understanding of the industry and a passion for uncovering compelling stories, Forbes Staff brings their expertise to the world of fashion. As a trusted member of the Forbes team, they contribute to the renowned Forbes platform, providing readers with valuable insights into the global fashion landscape.

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