The tenth installment of the Fast & Furious franchise, ‘Fast X,’ roared onto the global stage with a stellar opening weekend, capturing the coveted number one spot at the box office. However, while the film’s global performance soared, it faced some hurdles in the U.S., indicating the ongoing challenges faced by the movie industry in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Global Success: ‘Fast X’ zoomed to an impressive $318 million in global sales during its first weekend in theaters. This triumphant opening solidified the franchise’s global popularity, demonstrating its ability to captivate audiences around the world. With thrilling action sequences and an ensemble cast that resonates with fans, the Fast & Furious saga continues to draw moviegoers seeking high-octane entertainment.
U.S. Box Office Challenges: Despite the film’s global triumph, ‘Fast X’ faced a speed bump in the U.S. market. The movie earned $67.5 million domestically from Friday to Sunday, falling short of its immediate predecessor, ‘F9: The Fast Saga,’ which garnered $70 million on its opening weekend in 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic, along with limited movie theater capacity due to safety restrictions, likely influenced the film’s U.S. box office figures.
Comparing the film’s U.S. debut to previous entries in the franchise, ‘Fast X’ had the fourth-smallest opening in the series. It fell behind the record-breaking performance of ‘Furious 7,’ which amassed over $147 million domestically during its opening weekend in 2015. However, it exceeded the box office numbers of the franchise’s inaugural film, 2001’s ‘The Fast and the Furious,’ which collected approximately $40 million.
International Triumph: While facing challenges in the U.S., ‘Fast X’ showcased its global appeal, achieving remarkable success in international markets. Overseas audiences flocked to theaters, contributing an impressive $251.4 million to the film’s overall opening weekend earnings. The film’s release in China was particularly noteworthy, where it raced ahead with a strong debut of $78.3 million.
Continued Success for Other Films: In addition to ‘Fast X,’ other films also made their mark at the box office. Disney’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’ maintained its popularity, amassing an additional $32 million domestically and $48.8 million internationally, resulting in a global total of $659.1 million by its third weekend. ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ secured the third spot with $9.7 million, solidifying its position as the highest-grossing film of the year, boasting a global total of $1.248 billion.
‘Fast X’ demonstrated its global appeal by zooming to the top of the box office, garnering an impressive $318 million in its opening weekend. While facing some challenges in the U.S. market due to pandemic-related restrictions, the film’s international success, particularly in China, highlighted the franchise’s continued popularity around the world. As the movie industry navigates the changing landscape shaped by the pandemic, global box office figures remain a vital indicator of a film’s success and its ability to captivate audiences on a global scale.