Is Money Mindset Work Really Enough In 2023?

Is Money Mindset Work Really Enough In 2023?

By Leanne Lopez Mosley, CEO and founder of Rich Queen. Business mentor and wealth activator for women, and host of The Rich Queen Podcast.

Ask any rich and successful entrepreneur their biggest tips related to the steps they took to become both rich and successful, and you will often hear about their money mindset work.

The connection between money and the mind has long been a hot topic in self-development circles. But is money mindset work still as relevant and effective now as it once was?

With the technological advances and social changes that have taken place over the last few decades alone, my stance is that simply thinking your way to becoming rich is quite frankly no longer enough. The reality is that, as entrepreneurs, both our lives and our minds are busier, more occupied and more stimulated than ever before.

So if the mind isn’t the only focus for becoming a magnet for more money and manifesting the life we desire, what is?

To answer this, we can look to our bodies as symbols. I use the following exercise with my clients as a simple way of identifying where the money work of an individual needs attention.

Stop and think for a moment about your current financial reality. Think about what is or maybe what is not currently in your business’s bank accounts, what is on your corporate credit cards, and what is or is not in your business’s reserves. Now where do you feel that in your body?

For the vast majority of people I work with in my coaching practice, the three areas they say they feel it in are their throat or neck, their chest or their stomach. We can think of these areas as representations of different kinds of money blocks.


Imagine the throat. It can represent a reality that comes from an avoidance of and an inability to be truly honest about your current situation. Some people hide, avoid and refuse to vocalize (to quite literally say out loud to themselves and others) the truth about the financial position their business is in. Others struggle to use their voice to ask for help or support around money. It’s important to do the work around learning to use your voice about money: including the current reality, your desire for financial abundance in your business and the support you require to achieve that.

A great step to take to overcome challenges like these would be to find a mentor who is well-versed in money management for businesses. Look for someone objective and ask how they will hold space for total transparency and honesty around your current financial reality. When we remove the personal connection and fear of judgment from those closest to us, it can be much easier to confide in and have honest conversations around business finances and begin taking steps to receive support to move forward positively while showing it is safe to be honest.


Then take the chest. To me, it represents a block around being able to fully love and accept ourselves despite the money mistakes we’ve made in our businesses in the past and present. This can show up in our feelings of worthiness to receive and also the ability to receive and hold love personally and professionally.

A great step for this type of block is to create a forgiveness list of any and all money “mistakes” you have ever made in your business and underneath each one, write the phrase, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you.” Then create a professional affirmation to anchor in your new belief around money, such as, “I make great decisions with my business’s money.” You can repeat this exercise daily.


I link the stomach to self-trust. Many people carry guilt and shame around money, especially involving times when they wasted what they had or about their current reality. The exercise of forgiveness as detailed above (for others but mainly for ourselves) can be incredibly powerful when it comes to increasing the flow of money and abundance in our businesses.

A great practice to build self-trust and confidence is to write a nonnegotiable list of money promises (such as saving $50 per week in your business account or tracking every payment and expense on a daily basis) and upholding the promises you make to yourself. Celebrate when you uphold these promises on a weekly basis while looking at your money every single day to build self-trust and more trust in your relationship with your business finances.

All three of these areas can create patterns in both our finances and lives (relationships can be a key indicator of patterns with money), and addressing them can create an immediate improvement in our relationship with money and other areas of our businesses.

The money work of 2023 and beyond is in fact deeper than just the mind. It is only when we begin to address the full scope of money work and recognize our patterns that we can truly create a rich and abundant business.


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